Rules & Regulations
To all participants in the Rogersville Area Chamber of Commerce 2022 Christmas Parade:
Thank you for being a part of the Annual Christmas Parade! The parade will begin promptly @ 5:00pm, Saturday, December 3rd. If you are unable to attend after you have registered, please give our office a call (417) 753-7538 or email This is very important!
Please read the following information carefully:
- All participants must enter from W. Jackson St.
- Your entry package, emailed one week prior to the parade, will contain a map as well as your parade number.
- Please contact our office if you have not received this information by 12/1/2022.
- Your general location will be marked on a Parade map along with the road you should enter the Parade lineup.
- Bring your location AND number with you the day of the parade.
- When you arrive at the parade route on December 3rd, your space will be marked with the number you were provided. It is extremely important that you are in the correct lineup space!
- Please give exact measurements of your vehicle/trailer/truck. Parade staff use these measurements to mark your space, if you are larger than the space assigned, you will be pulled to the back of the lineup.
- The responsible person with each participating entry MUST share the Rules & Regulations with all involved in their unit.
In General:
- Please carpool if possible.
- Lineup begins at 3:30pm.
- If participating in the float competition, judging begins @ 4:15pm. BE READY!
- All entries must be in line by 4:30pm, sharp.
- Each entry should be decorated according to the Parade Theme or be Holiday Season appropriate.
- Symbols that are construed as hate-filled or offensive in regards to race, gender, sexual orientation, identity, or ethnic background shall not be in the Parade.
- There is only ONE SANTA CLAUS allowed in the parade. Santa is provided by the Rogersville Area Chamber of Commerce and will be showcased at the end of the parade. For the purposes of the 2022 parade, there is only ONE MR. GRINCH allowed in the parade. Also provided by the Rogersville Area Chamber of Commerce. All others will be removed from the lineup. Photos, cutouts, blow-up figures ARE still allowed.
Code of Conduct:
The Rogersville Area Chamber of Commerce (RACC) Parade is a family-friends event for all ages, and every unit in the parade is expected to respect this. All costumes, outfits, behavior, attitude, language, music, and dance moves must be appropriate for a young audience and will be held to a high standard. Failure to comply may result in being asked to leave the parade immediately with no warning and may jeopardize a group’s approval to participate in following years. All decisions are at the discretion of the RACC and are final.
Please ensure your band is playing when you approach the “live video area” which will be marked on your location map. This portion of the parade will be broadcast by K-Rog TV. We do ask that all bands play throughout the entire parade route!
Large Parade Vehicles:
Your vehicle should arrive by 3:30pm on December 3rd (even if all riders are not present). This will allow you to park your vehicle in line easier.
Walking Units:
Look for your lineup number, which will be marked. Please remain in your designated area until parade time.
Go-karts, Mini-bikes, 4-wheelers, and other such vehicles:
Once you are in the parade lineup areas, you may not ride your vehicle due to the number of people in the area. Not following this rule may result in you being asked to leave. Safety is our first priority!
Horses, trailers and buggies:
All horses and horse drawn vehicles will be placed at the rear of the parade due to marching units. Horses must be “diapered” or the group must provide their own clean-up team.
In the event of severe/inclement weather, you will be notified via email by NOON on parade day.